=================================== AdvanceCOMP PNG Compression Utility =================================== 1 SYNOPSIS ========== advpng [-l, --list] [-z, --recompress] [-0, --shrink-0] [-1, --shrink-fast] [-2, --shrink-normal [-3, --shrink-extra] [-4, --shrink-insane] [-f, --force] [-q, --quiet] [-h, --help] [-V, --version] FILES... 2 DESCRIPTION ============= The main purpose of this utility is to recompress png files to get the smallest possible size. Please note that this utility is not able to read a generic file. It's granted to be able to read only the files generated by the AdvanceMAME emulator. To compress the files this utility uses the following strategies: * Remove all ancillary chunks. * Concatenate all the IDAT chunks. * Use the 7zip Deflate implementation. 3 OPTIONS ========= -l, --list FILES... List the content of the specified files. -z, --recompress FILES... Recompress the specified files. If the -1, -2, -3 options are specified it's used the smallest file choice from the previous compressed data and the new compression. If the -0 option is specified the file is always rewritten without any compression. -0, --shrink-store Disable the compression. The file is only stored and not compressed. The file is always rewritten also if it's bigger. -1, --shrink-fast Set the compression level to "fast". -2, --shrink-normal Set the compression level to "normal". This is the default level of compression. -3, --shrink-extra Set the compression level to "extra". -4, --shrink-insane Set the compression level to "insane". -f, --force Force the use of the new file also if it's bigger. 4 COPYRIGHT =========== This file is Copyright (C) 2002 Andrea Mazzoleni, Filipe Estima 5 SEE ALSO ========== advzip(1), advmng(1), advdef(1)